Fully Automatic Composting Machine

Semi Automatic Batch Composter
Semi Automatic Batch Composter

Eco Smart - A Operation :

  1. Makes waste management at the source possible
  2. Available from 25 kg/day to 2 tonnes (can cater to any capacity in combination)
  3. Fully automatic and compact in size
  4. Compost removal once in 8 - 1- days
  5. 85 - 90% volume reduction of organic waste into High quality compost
  6. Inbuilt heating system
  7. Dehydrator (on customer demand)
  8. Power consumption - 1.5 to 5 Hp

Fully Automatic Waste Converter System:

The Fully Automatic Composting Machine waste can be converted into Compost with 24-36 hrs. It’s Feed and Forget system makes it very convenient to use. It does not require any skilled labor and expertise. The Unique Fully Automatic Mechanism of WEE makes it the most advance solution for wet waste management.


  • Segregation: Waste Segregation means dividing waste into dry and wet. Dry waste includes products like Glass, Metals, Wood, Electronics, Plastic Products etc. Wet waste typically refers to organic waste like leftover food, Fruit Peels, Meat, Poultry, Fish, Bakery Items, Garden waste etc.
  • Feeding: After Segregation of Wet & Dry Waste, wet waste is fed in the machine through an openable door on the top.
  • Inbuilt Shredding: It is the first process that the Wet Waste goes through in machine. Shredding helps in Volume Reduction & easy processing of Wet Waste and also helps in accelerating the conversion process.
  • Conversion: After the Wet Waste is Shredded it enters the tank where the actual conversion takes place through our unique mixing, air circulation and heating mechanism The heating system maintains a temperature range in which the bacteria thrive, thus accelerating the conversion process.
  • Soil Supplement Removal: Can be done every 24 hours through an easily operable removal outlet.
Semi Automatic Batch Composter
Semi Automatic Batch Composter

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